Bricklink is a LEGO marketplace with the ability for you to purchase individual pieces from sellers around the world. To order all the pieces for your model, we will be uploading all the parts that you need, and letting Bricklink select which stores are the cheapest to buy from.
- Go to and login/register by clicking on the head icon.

If registering for the first time, make sure to confirm your email address by clicking the link in the email that bricklink sends you.

- After logging in, click on your profile. Then select “My Wanted Lists.”

- Select the Upload tab and then “Upload Bricklink XML format.”

- Change Default Wanted List to “Create New Wanted List” and type in the name of the model you purchased instructions for.

- COPY the parts list from the appropriate product page on

OR open the downloadable .txt document and copy the parts list from the file.

On Windows, right-click and open with Notepad. Select all (ctrl+A) and then copy (ctrl+C).
On MAC, right-click and open with TextEdit. Select all (cmd+A) and then copy (cmd+C).
- PASTE the copied text from Step 5 and click “Proceed to Verify Items.”

- Scroll down and select “Add to Wanted List.”

Congrats! You have uploaded your parts to Bricklink!
Now it is time to order them!
- View your new wanted list on the next screen.

Now is a good time to adjust your list if there are any pieces from your collection that you want to use instead of buying them. Use the “Want” and “Have” spaces to adjust the quantity of any piece. (Have = what you already own. Want = what you will order.)

- Click the “Buy All” (or “Easy Buy”) button.


- On the buy wanted list screen, you can adjust store location and store currency.

Shipping can be cheaper when you order parts from your own country.
- Click the “Auto Select” button to have bricklink automatically pick the cheapest combination of stores.

- Uncheck the “Select stores when item price is lower than store Minimum Buy” box and click “Start.”

Once completed, bricklink will show a combination of stores from which you can order your parts.

- Make sure that all the parts from the wanted list are accounted for.

If any parts are missing, try adjusting where you are searching by selecting “Anywhere” before clicking “Auto Select” again.
- Select “Create carts.”

- Select “Checkout” for each store’s cart.

If you lose access to the above page, you can always view your carts again by clicking on the cart icon.

- Proceed through the checkout process for each store.

Click “Checkout with PayPal” (or the payment method you selected) to complete the order.

- Once you have checked out from all of your carts, your parts will be on their way!
You should get an email when your order has shipped.
You can also view the status of each order by clicking on your user icon and selecting “My Orders.”