Infinite Jumping Machine Instructions


Give your favorite Italian plumber unlimited lives with this infinite jumping machine!


  • Step-By-Step Instructions PDF
  • Complete Parts List (.txt file)
Create an infinite jumping interactive display piece with these custom instructions. Turn the machine’s handle to make this Italian Plumber get collect an infinite number of coins.

  • Pieces: 379
  • Estimated Cost: $45
  • Dimensions: 6×4.5×6.5in

Designed by Grant Davis

NO physical LEGO Bricks are included with your purchase. Buy bricks from using the instructions below and then use these instructions to assemble your model.

Bricklink is a LEGO marketplace with the ability for you to purchase individual pieces from sellers around the world. To order all the pieces for your model, we will be uploading all the parts that you need, and letting Bricklink select which stores are the cheapest to buy from.

  1. Go to and login/register.
  2. Click on your profile and then select “My wanted list”
  3. Select the Upload tab and then select “Upload Bricklink XML format”
  4. Change Default Wanted List to “Create New wanted list” and type in the name of the model you are purchasing for
  5. Copy the parts list using the “Copy Parts List” button below.
  6. Paste in the copied text and click “Proceed to Verify Items”
  7. Scroll down and press “add to wanted list”
  8. Under your wantest list, select your recently added list.
    Now is a good time to adjust your list if there are any pieces from your collection that you want to use instead of buying them.
  9. Click the “Buy All” (or “Easy Buy”) button.
  10. Click the “Auto Select” button to have bricklink automatically pick the cheapest combination of stores from which you can purchase your parts.
  11. On the popup that appears, uncheck the “Select stores when item price is lower than store Minimum Buy” box and click “Start”
  12. Once completed, bricklink will show a combination of stores from which you can order from.
  13. Make sure that all the parts from the wanted list are accounted for by checking that you have all of the “Selected items” e.g. 160/160 Selected Items
  14. Select create carts.
  15. For each of the stores, select “Checkout” and proceed through the purchase process.
    On the store’s page, you can see what parts you are ordering, review the store’s terms and conditions, select a payment method and add a shipping address.
    Click place order to complete the process.
  16. Once you have checked out from all of your carts you are done! Your parts should be on their way!

Happy Building!

Why instructions?

Although LEGO sets typically come with all the bricks included, there are big advantages to using custom instructions and ordering the parts yourself!

1. Discounted Cost

By ordering straight from Bricklink, you avoid the labor and packaging markups that come with other sets and kits, all with a few simple clicks!

2. Always in stock

Download the instructions and parts list to your favorite models instantly after purchase.

3. Use Your Own Bricks

Download the instructions and parts list to your favorite models instantly after purchase.

4. Customizable

Want to change the details or color of a model? Easily adjust the model before you buy the pieces! See our tutorial

Got Questions? We've Got Answers

Each of our models comes with a highly detailed instructional PDF that walks you through each step of building the model. There are clear pictures showing you which pieces to put where, just like real LEGO sets. The PDF is viewable on your computer, laptop or phone for an easy building experience.

After purchase you will have the ability to instantly download the instructions and parts list on the order complete page or from the order confirmation email sent to you. You can also login and view your downloads My Account > Downloads page.

The description above has a button with a list of parts that you can upload directly to Bricklink – the world’s largest LEGO marketplace. You can order the exact pieces that you need and have them shipped directly to your home! Check out our Full Guide on how to order parts on Bricklink

The product description for each model has an estimate for how much it’s parts will cost on Bricklink. Keep in mind that because Bricklink is a marketplace, that prices will fluctuate with supply and demand.

Bricklink allows individuals to list and sell pieces from their collections, but Bricklink itself is owned by LEGO who helps ensure that all transactions are safe and secure.

Absolutely! Please head over to the Contact page to shoot me an email. You can also chat with me via Instagram DMs.